We Change People?
was a class of "challenged" children and many teachers were brought
in over time but each one ended up quitting in frustration. Finally, a teacher
was brought in and a miracle happened. That class of students ended up becoming
a group of happy, well- behaved and good students. What happened?
the time that teacher entered the classroom, she refused to see the children as
they appeared to others. She saw through and beyond appearances. She instead
saw in her mind's eye each student as a well-behaved, perfect student. She saw
only their potential and perfection and they became exactly as she envisioned.
We Can Change Our Perception
of my teaching is that you cannot change people. What you can do is change your
perception of them. When you envision them as you want them to be, in their
happy and best state, they pick this up and respond on a subconscious level. In
my own life, I have used this principle to great advantage. I would imagine
someone being receptive and in my mind's eye see them harmonizing with me. I
would imagine them being happy or pleased or whatever and "hear" them
expressing what I would like to hear. Of course, we only want to envision the
highest and the best for someone. We don't impose our will on someone else, but
we can lift them in consciousness to their own highest good by maintaining that
image in our thoughts and feelings. This releases the other person and allows
adjustments to be made on a mental and spiritual level. Releasing is powerful.
When we loose and let go, amazing things happen. There will either be a
noticeable change in the person or that person will peacefully move out of our
lives if they are not supposed to be there for our highest good.
this principle? It is our job to see and feel the end result. It is the
Universe's job to get us there.
You Might Be Surprised
have had students apply this principle and see changes in their spouses,
friends, and others. Don't laugh, but I have even used this on inanimate
objects and it worked! The answers come when we loosen up.
it or not, we are greatly influenced and can become as others see us (and
"feel" us). We do pick up their thoughts subconsciously. In the area
of marketing, we must make the effort to project to others what we desire to
project - as this determines the feedback and results we get - or else we will
subconsciously respond to their ideas about us. This carries over into our
personal lives. I have seen people who could not move forward because of the
image of them held by those close to them. It took concerted effort to shift
their consciousness beyond what others thought and finally succeed. And then
there is the opposite. Many have succeeded because someone else believed in
them and saw a greater potential than they saw for themselves.
Try It... You'll Like It
it be an interesting experiment to change our perceptions about a difficult
person in our business life - a client, partner, co-worker, boss - or in our
personal life - a spouse, partner, relative, child - and see what happens?
have nothing to lose and everything to gain to put this principle into practice
and see what happens. Instead of imaging things as they are, which I am sorry
to say will only perpetuate more of the same, start imaging the person or
situation as you want them to be.
thanks for the end result. Use the powerful gratitude principle combined with
affirmative prayer to turn those very situations around by expressing gratitude
for the solutions before they appear. Bringing the desired result into the
"now" moment by using the gratitude principle speeds our desired good
to us.
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