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Friday, 18 October 2013
Monday, 7 October 2013
Interesting works: Moving ahead with a single SMILE.
Interesting works: Moving ahead with a single SMILE.: So how do i make life better with a smile? 1.Position your smile as the best rapport building tool. The smile is one of the most i...
Moving ahead with a single SMILE.
So how do i make life better with a smile?
2.Position your smile to break down walls of indifference.
We all have our individuality and preferences as to what kind of people we'd like to hang out with. Sometimes people carry with them preconceived ideas about people and respond to them based simply on how they look, carry themselves, or dress. While this response of building invisible walls around a person for the sake of self-preservation is normal for many people, and is something to respect when interacting with others, it doesn't stop you from being able to use the smile as a way to melt the walls of indifference.
3.Use your smile to affect choices positively. A bad mood usually results in facial characteristics reflecting the negative feelings, including a frown, furrowed face lines, and perhaps a scowling demeanor. A smile changes the equation immediately. And in so doing, choosing to smile instead of frown can influence your choices about everything else you do that day. A smile can brighten your mood, improve your outlook, and lead you to make positive choices using sound and good judgment.
Smile affects things and lives around us. People, pets, and even the systems in which we work and socialize are at the mercy of our treatment. When we smile, our mood brightens up and affects our responses towards both beings and objects. The positivity that emanates from relying on the smile to guide our way helps us to love our life, and to be inspired to treat others with kindness and compassion, realizing that all beings matter and that smooth-running systems make life easier. Our pets deserve our kindness, out wilting potted plants deserve watering and weeding, and the people we meet each and every day deserve our warmth and appreciation. The smile's after effect? Love, kindness, gentleness, goodness and compassion start to flow out from you as a perfectly natural response.
5.Position your smile to give hope. Some people find that when they are hurt and fall into despair, they tend to become negative and seek to manage the world so as to minimize their interactions to avoid being harmed again. In doing so, they can withdraw and find life meaningless and cruel. A well timed and caring smile could give such unhappy people a glimpse of hope as they see that another person does care and does find this life meaningful. A smile means that they can share that meaning. Lift their mood with your smile, the smile of hope.
6.Share your attitude.
A smile could be an indication of a great attitude. Smiling is one of the best responses towards mistakes and failures; that kind of smile says "D'oh! I am so human!". Using humor in the face of shortcomings shows a great attitude and at the same time wisdom. Smile, brighten up and be wiser the next time around!
7.Know peace, share peace. A smile is a powerful tool for peace. It is a powerful gift and is one that can help to initiate and maintain peace through its expression of love, understanding, humility, and kindness. Smiles in the family create unity and acceptance; smiles in the face of danger express a determination to overcome hardship with a level head and a kind heart. Smiles can hold together a nation and a world, in peace. Smile, and it will be a great life ahead!
Let joy fill your days.
Thursday, 3 October 2013
Interesting works: THE SECRET OF SMILES.
Interesting works: THE SECRET OF SMILES.: Smiles, so natural, nobody ever struggle with it. They're beautiful and yet freely given to everyone around you. A smile can never ru...
Smiles, so natural, nobody ever struggle with it. They're beautiful and yet freely given to everyone around you. A smile can never run out of style and out of mode for they are the best things one can ever wear.
Inexpensive too, smiles create an infinite impact on people and life in general. A smile given to the right person at the right time could influence what that person does next and the choices they make.
1. Smiling can make you happy (even when you're not).
Your body has a connection with your mind. Well, it turns out that the simple act of smiling sends a message to your brain that you're happy. And when you're happy, your body pumps out all kinds of feel-good endorphins. This reaction has been studied since the 1980s and has been proven a number of times. In 1984, an article in the journal Science showed that when people mimic different emotional expressions, their bodies produce physiological changes that reflect the emotion, too, such as changes in heart and breathing rate. Another German study found that people felt happy just by holding a small pen clenched in their teeth, imitating a smile. So the next time you feel sad or upset, try smiling. It just might make your body—and therefore you—feel better.
2. Smiling can make others happy.
"When you're smilin', the whole world smiles with you." Ever heard that song, made famous by Louis Armstrong? Well, it's true. Research shows that smiling is contagious. Ever been around someone who just had something fantastic happen to him or her? Isn't it almost impossible not to feel good, too? Studies show that something as simple as seeing a friend smile can activate the muscles in your face to make that same expression, without you even being aware that you are doing it. Crazy, right?But remember that this, too, can be for better or for worse. You know the expression "misery loves company"? Frowns act just like smiles, just with a negative reaction, so choose to smile and watch the world smile back!
3. Smiling makes you more attractive.
Ever wonder why are we always asked to smile in photos? Because people usually look their best—and happiest—when smiling. According to the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, 96 percent of American adults believe an attractive smile makes a person more appealing to members of the opposite sex. So the next time you are about to ask someone on a date, smile. It'll make them feel happier (see No. 2), and you'll already be more attractive in his or her eyes!
4. Smiling can help you de-stress.
The next time you're stressed about work or realize that your favorite jeans feel a little snug, don't freak out. Take a few deep breaths and smile! Smiling may help to reduce symptoms associated with anxiety. When that smile signals to your brain that you're feeling happy (even though you're not really feeling happy...yet), your body will usually slow its breathing and heart rate.
Reducing stress is so important for health, too, as it can lower blood pressure, improve digestion and regulate blood sugar. Note that this works during workouts, too! If you're having a hard time getting through that last rep or getting those final 5 minutes in on the treadmill, smiling can do wonders!
5. Smiling can help you land a job.
If you're about to go on a job interview, you may think that your appearance is just about wearing nice clothes. Wrong! You can't just wear that suit; you have to wear it with a smile. In a study published in the December 2009 issue of Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, people looked at full-body photographs of 123 people they had never met. The people in the photos had one of two expressions: neutral (think your passport photo) or a smile. And guess what? When observers saw the photos of smiling people, they were more likely to think that the person in the photo was likeable, confident, conscientious and stable. Sound like traits most companies want in an employee, right? So the next time you're dressing to impress, make sure to take that beautiful, natural smile with you!
6. Smiling can lead to laughter.
Have you ever laughed without smiling? It's pretty impossible to do. And it's funny how a smile here and a smile there with friends can turn into a whole fit of hysterical laughter. Numerous studies have been done on the health benefits of laughing, including how it acts like a mini workout that burns calories and works the abs. Laughter also helps blood flow, lowers blood sugar levels, reduces stress and improves sleep. It may also raise the level of infection-fighting antibodies in the body, which helps boost your immune system. So the moral of this story is smile—and laugh—often!
7. Smiling just feels good.
Have you ever found that smiling just feels good? Go ahead, smile now. Doesn't it feel natural? Make you feel happy to be alive? It sure does beat the heck out of a frown.
Smiles have the power to break down the cold walls of indifference and warm a lonely heart that's blue. Discover one of life's most constructive weapon and that's the power of your smile positioned for your own advantage.
Thanks for reading. Give someone a smile today.
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